
Jun 11 2023


2:00 pm - 5:00 pm



Divine Connections: A Channeling Workshop
Mystic Mary Reed

Mary will be here for a one-time-only 3-hour channeling workshop that includes channeled teachings by her Divine guides (Consensus), and practices for connecting to one’s own guides and abilities. Attendees will be able to ask questions of Consensus, co-connect deeply with Consensus and Mary, and learn how to tap into one’s own innate abilities — not just for a brief experience but as a means of stepping into a sustainable way of living in connection to Higher Self.



Mary Reed was a staunchly agnostic healthcare executive in Washington, DC when she began venturing uncontrollably into mystical realms in the company of Divine masters. She moved to a nunnery in the Himalayas in India, where she spent 7 years coming to terms with her unexpected abilities, and today Mary is a powerful mystic wisdom guide and channeler of a stadium-sized collective of light beings known as Consensus. Her profound experiences and connections are both a road map and an invitation into the Divine wisdom we all hold within. 

Mary is the author of 3 books–The Unwitting Mystic, Divine New Being, and Humanity’s Epic Awakening.  At the end of the event, Mary will sign books, which will be available for sale.  Her website is


“Mary is a radiant soul, and let me tell you, she really “gets it.” She has a powerful connection across the veil, and I joyously bask in her energy and all the delicious Source energy she so clearly brings through.” ~Suzanne Giesemann, medium, mystic, author of Messages of Hope.


“To connect with the energy in Mary Reed’s work is to touch The Beyond. To come into contact with anything Mary pours forth is to receive the glorious invitation to be remade in the Beautiful One you truly are.” ~Chelan Harkin, mystic poet, author of Susceptible to Light.


“Mary Reed is one of the few who can bridge the gap between higher beings and humankind. She and her Divine companions invite us into a wondrous journey of union so that we, too, can know who we really are.” ~Glenn Hovemann, publisher of A Course of Love.



Pebble Hill Church, 320 Edison Furlong Rd, Doylestown PA 18901

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By Check payable to Susan Duval, 200 Spruce St, Apt C5, Doylestown PA 18901

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