Channeling Archangel Metatron-SOLD OUT
Nicole Angel
This is a small intimate group event, limited to just 10 people. Due to the unique nature of this program, Nicole is offering it ONLY to clients of Susan Duval Seminars.
So, it is my pleasure to cordially invite you to join us for a special Trance Mediumship presentation from Archangel Metatron. Nicole will go into trance and allow Archangel Metatron to speak directly through her vocal cords. This means her voice and mannerisms will change.
The energy shifts during such an event, and it may feel like we are in another dimension. It is safe, riveting, and sacred. Such a small group enables the channel (Nicole) to hold and transmit a very high caliber of light. Attendees tend to be “called” and come together as soul family. They are usually working on their life mission and helping the world to expand her beauty.
What to expect during a Trance Mediumship session:
- Archangel Metatron will have a grand message for audience members.
- This transmission will be very sacred + held in the highest capacity of love and unity.
- He will open the floor for questions, which can be about your life or anything at all that interests you.
- Each person will have an opportunity to work with the Archangel.
- While in trance, there will be a transference of light and healing energy that is other- worldly.
You may experience visual transfiguration and a feeling of spirit in the room. You may also experience or feel healing energy from the medium.
Archangel Metatron is a powerful angel of light seated at the right hand of God. His knowledge spans all timelines and realities to accurately help humanity evolve. During his time on Earth as the physical prophet Enoch, he taught humanity how to unlock their DNA strand to promote immortality and revitalization within the self. Archangel Metatron is here to bridge the gap between dimensions and to help humans realize their supreme intelligence and light.
The purpose of these channelings is to enlighten those who wish to hear and feel universal knowledge through the vocal cords. It is to foster growth within the self and to help humanity heal her wounds. To bring all beings back to center and to create from purity and intention.
Miracles are commonplace during the group sessions. Be ready to experience life through a multi-dimensional event. This is truly a remarkable experience and we are honored to share it with you.
$222 per person. Limited to 10.
BSA, 1 Scout Way, Doylestown PA 18901
- Select how many seats you need, click continue.
- Enter your info and confirm.
- Choose a payment option below.
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By PayPal or Credit Card by using the BUY NOW button below.
OR by check payable to Susan Duval, 200 Spruce St, Apt C5, Doylestown PA 18901
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